2021/09,获第十七届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛黑科技赛道全国一等奖(指导老师)。 恭喜丁昊晖,丁佳昀!
2021/09, 论文“Assessment of plum rain’s impact on power system emissions in Yangtze-Huaihe River basin of China” 被Nature Communication录用。
2021/08,论文“Adaptive Master-Slave Control Strategy for Medium Voltage DC Distribution Systems Based on a Novel Nonlinear Droop Controller”被IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid录用。
2021/08,论文“A user selection algorithm for aggregating electric vehicle demands based on a multi‐armed bandit approach” 被IET Energy Systems Integration录用。
2021/07,论文 “Cost and low-carbon competitiveness of electrolytic hydrogen in China” 被Energy & Environmental Science录用。
2021/04,论文 “Optimal demand response strategy of commercial building‐based virtual power plant using reinforcement learning” 被IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution录用。
2021/04,论文 “交直流配电网柔性多状态开关电压自适应控制策略” 被电力系统自动化录用。
2021/03,论文 “Control of grid-forming application for fuel cell/electrolyser system” 被IET Renewable Power Generation接受录用。
2021/03,论文 “Economic operation of integrated energy systems considering combined production of hydrogen and medical oxygen” 被IET Renewable Power Generation录用。
2021/01,论文 “电压控制型并网逆变器瞬时功率降阶控制方法” 被电力系统自动化录用。